Dear MAP Members and Friends, As you are no doubt aware, the Medieval Association of the Pacific will be meeting next year concurrently with the Medieval Academy of America at […]
2019 Founders’ Prize Recipients
The 2019 Founders’ Prizes were awarded to papers presented by graduate- student members at the 2018 annual conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, “Memory and Remembrance in the […]
2019 Benton Award Recipients
MAP’s 2019 Benton Awards for travel to a conference were awarded to the following recipients. Michelle Brooks, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, for “Reading the Invisible Science […]
Session Title: “Materiality and . . . ?” An object’s physicality is one of its defining characteristics—something that helps to separate material culture from other cultural products. Of late, scholarship […]
2018 Prize Recipients
At the March 2018 MAP-RMMRA Conference held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the following prizes were announced: Benton Travel Awards: Elisabeth Oliver, CSU-Long Beach (MA student) – for […]