
Annual Call to Renew Membership

Dear MAPpers Old and New,
Spring greetings from the Medieval Association of the Pacific. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the 2024 MAP conference in Calabasas next month, generously hosted by Pepperdine University. In the meantime, we wanted to ask you to renew your membership by June 1, if you have not yet done so. You can do this via a link on our website (“Manage My MAP Account”).
Please note that we have recently moved to a new membership platform, so you may notice some differences in format from the past. You should still be able to access your MAP record with the original email you used to set it up. If you cannot remember your account email, please let us know at and we can send it to you. Once you are in your account, you will be able to make changes to your profile and pay your dues (either for the coming year, or on an automatically renewing basis).
We are very grateful for your support, since membership dues help to fund our conferences and other programs. If you have already renewed, we thank you!
Best regards,
MAP Officers