Henry Ansgar Kelly Paper Prize

Deadline Extended!

The Medieval Association of the Pacific is pleased to announce the Henry Ansgar Kelly Paper Prize to be awarded to a scholar for a peer-reviewed article or chapter published in the previous two calendar years on any subject of Dr. Kelly’s wide range of research areas (cv). In his long and still productive career, Dr. Kelly has authored fifteen books and written nearly 100 articles or chapters on inquisition, canon law, the Bible, Satan, Chaucer, Thomas More, Joan of Arc, Henry VIII, Shakespeare, and more. 

The committee strongly encourages graduate students and junior scholars to apply. Papers must directly engage with Dr. Kelly’s work for consideration.  

The amount of the award is $300 and includes one year of membership to the MAP. This prize is available to non-MAP members. Applications should include a one-page vita, and pdf copy of the article or chapter as it was published (i.e. draft copies are not permitted) in the period between January 1, 2023-December 31, 2024. Please send the above materials by January 5, February 15, 2025, to the Treasurer, Maile Hutterer. Winners will be announced at the subsequent Annual Conference.

Past Henry Ansgar Kelly Paper Prize Winners

If you would like to donate to the HAK Paper Prize fund, please contact the MAP Treasurer, Maile Hutterer, msh@uoregon.edu.